This is a very special Christmas! My family is coming to town to spend the Holidays with us for the first time :) Home is tiny, but full of love. And of course, I wanted to make it feel extra special!

Red ornaments, fresh garlands and our lit tree are making home feel cozy and warm. I can't wait to have them all in here, drink champagne, laugh and just enjoy being together. So, I will be taking some time off from the blog. It's important to be present during these special times. But before I go, here's a couple of pictures of my Holiday decor. I hope you like them as much as I do! 

I wish you a beautiful time during the Holidays, some laugh and lots of celebrations!

Fill your heart with love and spread it.

Thanks so much for reading my posts. I have a bunch of plans for this coming New Year. Can't wait to share them all with you! xx.